order to understand the study of teaching and learning, so the way of its
process, it is required in-depth study of language to support the learning
process according to the times today. Accordingly, the provision of material
regarding English teaching are
necessary, in order to establish its presence prospective teachers are either
by way of assignment papers over the course of Teaching English as foreign
activity emphasizes the surgical material, especially in groups, as a vehicle
to equip and broaden the student, in addition to the knowledge that has been
given in college. One such material is "Eclectic Approach" in
addition to the materials that are assigned to other groups.
From those theories, we could
conclude that eclectic approach is way of teacher in determining their teaching
method based on the various class condition.
That's what's on this
occasion will be discussed in a paper by the author.
Provision of eclectic approachmaterial
aims as follows:
1.) To
deepen student understanding of the science of teaching and learning,
2.) To
obtain information about the study of eclectic approach,
3.) To
be able to know the function of eclectic approach in depth,
4.) To
clarify the position of the eclectic approach in teaching-learningstudy.
The preparation of this paper aims to fulfill one subjecttask
of TEFL Methodology 2in theEnglish Educational Undergraduate Study Program,
SekolahTinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) JuraiSiwo Metro.
Kinds of Method
are several kinds of teaching method that already been discussed by the student
in the previous lesson of TEFL Methodology lessonin order to deepen their
insight about language learning.Some of the methods are:
Translation Method
Grammar Translation Method was called the Classical
Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical language, Latin
and Greek (Chastain 1988).Eventhough many new methods have
been introduced to this day, the GTM remains a standard methodology for
teaching English for some teachers. Prator and Murcia (cited in Brown, 1987:
the study of the grammar of target language, students would become more
familiar with the grammar of their native language and that is familiarly would
help them speak and write their native languagebetter. (Larsen- Freeman,
Diane).The principal aim of the grammar
translation method was to make language learning easier and the central feature
was the replacement of traditional texts by exemplary sentences (Kumar Mondal,
are going to make a conclusion about the definition of grammar translation
method is a method of learning that usually is used for teach a grammar with
main characteristic that focus on translation, memorizing the forms of verb, help
students for increasing speaking ability and write their native language.
Francois Gouin
(1831 to 1896) a French teacher of Latin, was one of the first formal language
learners to write about using connected ideas to learn languages.Gouin was a Latin teacher, who moved to Hamburg
in order to learn German, and he used the Grammar-Translation Method of
language learning commonly used to teach Latin. Without actually entering into
conversation in the target language, he memorized almost two hundred and fifty
irregular verbs and more than thirty thousand words from the German dictionary.A method is
a plan for presenting the language material to be learned and should be based
upon a selected approach. In order for an approach to be translated into a
method, an instructional system must be designed considering the objectives of
the teaching/learning, how the content is to be selected and organized, the
types of tasks to be performed, the roles of students and the roles of
teachers. A technique is a very specific, concrete stratagem or trick designed
to accomplish an immediate objective. Such are derived from the controlling
method, and less-directly, with the approach.The Gouin Series is a direct method of teaching a foreign language
developed by Francois Gouin in the nineteenth century. It’s not the only
way to teach a language, but it is our favorite way! While
many language teachers use the Gouin Series (GS) frequently and with great
success, others either had not heard of it or haven’t given it much thought
since studying methodology.
Suggestopedia is a method of
teaching a foreign language in which
students learn quickly by being made to feel relaxed, interested and positive.
Suggestopedia stands for the term suggestion and pedagogy. ‘Suggestion’ means an idea or a plan
that you mention for somebody else to think about. Then ‘pedagogy’ means the
study of teaching methods.Stevick in Richard stated that suggestopedia is a
specific set of learning recommendations derived from suggestology, which
Lozanov describes as a science concerned with the systematic study of the non-rational
and/or non-conscious influences that human beings are constantly responding to.
The basic premise of the direct method is namely that
second language learning should be more like first language learning lots of
oral interaction spontaneous use of the language, no translation between first
and second language, little or no analysis of grammatical rules. In addition, direct method is one of the learning method
which emphasizes in oral interaction without translation and grammatical rules.The
direct method through focusing on everyday language, and using questions and
answers lays an emphasis on teaching oral language. The primary objective of
this method is associate meaning and the target language directly through the
use of authentic object, pictures or
Audiolingual is relating to a method
of language teaching that teaches speaking and listening rather than reading or
writing.It means that Audio Lingual Method
emphasize on speech and hearing wich result to speaking ability and listening
comprehension rather than reading and writing.Further, the Audio Lingual
Method, which wasornally introduced to prepare people to master foreign
language orally in a short time, emphasizes oral forms of language. However,
the method still considers that the oral forms: speaking and listening should
come first, and reading and writing come later.
In 1950, Caleb Cattegno,
an educational designer of reading and mathematics programs developed a method
of language teaching called the Silent Way. The method represents his
previous experience in the use of rods and his series of word charts in the
field of language teaching.This method is based on the premise that the teacher
should be silent as much as possible in the classroom but the learner should be
encouraged to produce as much language as possible. When the teacher is silent,
it means that he is giving the students opportunities to practice the target
language in the class as stated by Gattegno, silence is considered the best
vehicle for learning, because in silence students concentrate on the task to be
accomplished and the potential means to its accomplishment. Repetition (as
opposed to silence) “consumes times and encourages the scattered mind to remain
scattered”.The name of the method often makes people curious; they wonder how
people can learn foreign language in a “silence”. The name of the method seems
to be a response to other traditional methods with which language teachers are
very active in dominating classroom activities. A language teacher should
encourage language learners to take a role in learning activities. The time of
learning teaching interaction should be given to language learners, not to the
teacher. The teacher functions as a guide, an organizer, a resource, and an
evaluator.Beside of the explanation above, the principles of the method are not
considered in language learning only but the principles may be applied in
learning in general. Some people think that the aim of this method is not
merely to master a foreign language but also to humanize human beings. It is
the education of spiritual powers and the sensitivity of the individual.
Eclectic Approach
Approach’ a combination of different learning approaches. Today many people use
an eclectic method, because of the eclectic method of teaching to adjust to the
requirements for achieving the purpose of teaching without the need to face
many difficulties as the use of one particular method therefore an eclectic use
of methods based only on the best parts or parts that are beneficial from a
variety of teaching methods, then the weaknesses of a particular teaching
method can be avoided. In other words, when teachers use this method, it can
avoid the problems that occur when delivering teaching material. In addition to
the eclectic method of teaching and learning in an activity, teachers can
easily adapt to the needs of teaching so that teaching objectives or goals can
be achieved.
remarks Atkinson (1988, p. 42), "is one of the buzz words in TEFL at
present, in part due to the realisation that for the foreseeable future good
language teaching is likely to continue to be based more on common sense,
insights drawn from classroom experience, informed discussion among teachers,
etc., than on any monolithic model of second language acquisition or
all-embracing theory of learning...". One problem with this position is
that your "common sense" and your "insights" are apt to be
different from mine. Another is that "discussion among teachers",
though valuable, is often a futile exercise in the blind leading the blind. No
one with some knowledge of pedagogy and psychology would advocate a
"monolithic model" of anything in teaching today. However, unless one
has some theoretical foundation to one's knowledge, one cannot construct a
methodology of anything, including of foreign language teaching. The aim of
this paper is to examine rudimentarily such foundation, and to propose an
eclectic approach to teaching English to speakers of other languages.[1
method was adopted based on the belief that children should be valued as unique
individuals. "And to promote this belief, we chose this method of teaching
so that we can apply individually what we feel is appropriate for each
child," says Nelle.
is why we have a curriculum that is creative, innovative, and imaginative. We
provide guided opportunities so that kids can explore with their senses as many
experiences as possible, freeing them to grow and develop in a natural and
positive manner.
adds that the Eclectic method of teaching in a school is just like a fitness
center. "If the trainer...just (puts) you (on) a treadmill, then keeping
yourself fit and striving for a good body will be a boring (task). It will be
harder to reach (your) goal due to monotonous activities. But if (you) have
variety, then you’re more likely to achieve what you are aiming for."
addition, they see play as an important part of their approach because it
"enables children to deal with stress and cope with fears they can’t yet
understand or express," points out Nelle. "Today’s young children are
exposed to so much so early and must cope with more than their predecessors
ever did." Thus, play gives them the necessary emotional release which
helps them make sense of everything they’re experiencing.
play stimulates creative imagination. "So instead of doing only what is
required to fulfill their schoolwork tasks, they invest extra mental effort to
pursue their own goals for learning," she expounds. "These concepts
are also organized in a thematic set-up incorporating the various and
developmental learning areas and activities appropriate for the age level of
the child."
nowadays always want something new and exciting," she states. "[So]
learning should not be boring and stressful." Based on Nelle’s teaching
experience, she says their students enjoy going to school. "They love the
environment and are excited (about) what they are going to learn for the day.
They have a positive concept of what a school is (and) learning becomes easier
for them."
Eclectic approach, according to her, is very appropriate for their preschoolers
as it represents a chance for the children to develop all the essential early
life skills "by learning in a creative and stimulating environment and
gaining the confidence to fulfill their potentials as learners."
As they are working
towards developing the said skills in their students, Nelle says they run a
program known as the ‘process-centered’ approach where they place great
importance on the courses of action by which children discover and learn.
"If we can instill good ways of learning things now, it will certainly help
them in their efforts at school and all through life."
There are some criteria
that necessary for effective method in foreign language teaching-learning,
consist of:
1. It must be simple for both teacher and
learner, and must be within the capabilities of all teachers. Also, the teacher
must feel that pupils are progressing satisfactorily.
2. It must bring about a balance between
the spoken and written or printed word(and must be flexible enough for the
teacher to concentrate on the area (s)he wants).
3. It must overcome the conflict between
fluency and accuracy.
4. It must increase the rate and amount of
learning which takes place in the classroom.
5. Testing must be part of the method, and
not a separate entity.
6. Constant revision must be part of the
7. It must enable the teacher to set
defined limits and have control over oral responses.
8. It must be variable ( cf. the difficulty
of the Direct Method where framing the right question to make the pupils apply
various persons / tenses / cases and vocabulary is most difficulty without
pre-arranged coding.
9. It must reflect the linguistic habits
the child has already acquired by learning his/her mother tongue and their
ability to assimilate a new language.
10. It must offer a new approach to the
application of translation work.
11. It must give the pupils a stimulus to
say something in the first instance - and it must find ways of supplying the
pupils constantly with ideas which they can use for their expression in the
foreign language.
12. It must enable work done with modern
teaching aids (e.g. audio-visual aids, computer) to be an extension of the
method used in class.
13. It must give the teacher an opportunity
to speed up intercommunication between him-herself and individual pupils.
14. It must be sufficiently flexible to cope
with various class conditions ( as far as pupils' specific / general interests
are concerned )
15. It must ensure that pupils are given the
opportunity of having the greatest number of meaningful contacts possible both
with and in the foreign language - THE most important criteria for the validity
of any modern method.
After the
authors conducted observations and research by looking at the relevant
documents, the authors obtained information on the eclectic approach namely:
Eclectic approach
which is actually the most important element in the study of language teaching
deals with the learning strategywhich will be conduct by the teacherswhen they
startto teach in the class. Eclectic approach and its relation to all of the
teaching-learning method can provide assistance in language learning in
accordance with the rules of the standard language, especially to learn
English, as well as other universal language in general.
Giving knowledge about the eclectic
approach can make students aware of the true meaning and essential of language
teaching study itself,
in accordance with the needs and demands of the study as well as the education
system prevailing in the community.
After making observation about the "Eclectic Approach"
the authors can conclude that:
1. Eclectic approach study of science is very
essential in the study of language learning.
2. Debriefing about eclectic
approach’s material means a benefit for the development of students’ knowledge.
3. Assessment of eclectic approach material is needed in the development of language
learning insights into a teacher and scholar among the academic community. With
the deepening language learning materials such as eclectic approach, we can understand the kinds of language
learning and how to use it properly and correctly in accordance with what we
[1] See Hornby A. S. &Cowie A.
P., Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
of Current English,(Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 1974).
[5] See Long Michael H. and
Richards Jack C., Methodology in TESOL,(Massachusetts:
Heinle&Heinle Publishers, 1987).
[9] See Long Michael H. and
Richards Jack C., Methodology in TESOL, (Massachusetts:
Heinle&Heinle Publishers, 1987).
[10] English Department: TEFL
of Teaching English Through Eclectic Method, (,
accessed Sunday, 13th September 2015 pk.01:24 WIB
[11] Eclectic Approach to
Teaching English, (,
accessed Sunday, 13th September 2015 pk.23:48 WIB
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